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 14 results in yourPeople - Creatorsearch for"Mizuno Toshikata"Advanced Search
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Yuagari, Kansei koro fujin. (After the bath: Woman of the Kansei era). From the series..., 1893. Creator: Mizuno Toshikata.
Going to the Theater: Woman of the Joo Era [1652-55], published in 1893. Creator: Mizuno Toshikata.
An'ei Era [1772-1781] Woman Composing Poems, published in 1891. Creator: Mizuno Toshikata.
Picture of Koto, Game, and Painting, published in 1889. Creator: Mizuno Toshikata.
The Eel Master (Unagi danna), illustration from Bugei Kurabu (Literary Club). Creator: Mizuno Toshikata.
Surgical Ward' (Gekashitsu) from Bugei Kurabu (Literary Club), ca. 1906., ca. 1906. Creator: Mizuno Toshikata.
Noblewomen of the Tokugawa Period; Thirty-six Beauties (Sanjuroko kasensoro, 1891-93., 1891-93. Creator: Mizuno Toshikata.
Long Live the Great Japanese Empire! A Great Victory for Our Troops in the Assault on Song..., 1894. Creator: Mizuno Toshikata.
Sasaki Moritsuna Asking Fisherman to Reveal the Shallows Where His Troops can Cross and At..., 1884. Creator: Mizuno Toshikata.
Picture of naval officers discussing battle strategy to be used against China, September 1894. Creator: Mizuno Toshikata.
The Demon Gold (Konjiki yasha), ca. 1903. Creator: Mizuno Toshikata.
The Mad Woman of Yawata (Yawata no kyojo) from kuchie (frontispiece) of a novel, ca. 1905. Creator: Mizuno Toshikata.
Ornament Ball from kuchie (frontispiece) of a novel, ca. 1906. Creator: Mizuno Toshikata.
'The Entrance to the Tea Rooms', c1886-1908. Artist: Mizuno Toshikata